Just a Little Bit About Us

We are husband and wife. Married for over 40 years. We have two beautiful daughters — both married— two amazing grandchildren and three grandpuppies.  

  In 2014 we bought a century home in the heart of downtown Meaford, Ontario.  George was still working as President of Orangeville Hydro at the time, so he commuted back and forth for about 3 1/2 years. Then, in the spring of 2018, he finally retired and that’s when I decided we should  open up a business from our home.    

At first I wasn’t sure what  kind of business I wanted to do. I knew it had to be something that I absolutely love. Then I thought well I have always loved dollhouses and miniatures. And George loves to build stuff. So that would work out great. He could build the dollhouses and I could decorate them. So I asked him what he thought of my idea, and he said “whatever you want to do!” Well, the thought of owning our own home-based business  made me very nervous, but it was exciting at the same time. But we were both into the idea.

We were going to build dollhouses!   

Right away we started making plans how we could set up the shop in our home.  We went to our very first wholesale miniature show and we were hooked. Originally I wanted to set up our store in our livingroom, but we quickly realized I needed more space as my collection of dollhouses and miniatures grew. So we decided we needed to relocate the miniature shop to our garage/pool house. Once we figured out how to get wifi out there we were good to go. We started putting up shelving and peg boards, I layed down new flooring we put in new front doors. It was really looking like a miniature shop.

Fast forward to now — after all of our hard work, we are so excited for you to see everything we have done. We truly hope you will love everything as much as we do. 

Come and visit us soon, We would love to have you.

Thursday - Saturday 12:00 - 5:00 or By appointment. No masks required.

Sorry we only ship within Canada.

Call 1-519-216-1448

Email info@shopgbm.ca


Best regards

Sue and George Dick
